Hot Child in San Pedro City

15:31 nm 0 Comments

Solo adventure time is finally here!! I just dropped Paul off at the airport, he was pretty sad to go, I had to keep reminding him that he owns a place on San Pedro, it won't be last time he comes here. Lucky Dude.

After Paul was gone, I had a moment of exhilaration, today is the day that it all starts fresh, again. I love  change, and trying something new and exciting in San Pedro, on my very own, is exactly what I was craving. 

I made my way down to Chuck and Robbie's, after I grabbed an orange juice from Rubys Cafe, a place I went to religiously 5 years ago for my Johnny Cake breakfast. I talked to Robbie about diving, where to get good groceries, and where I can attempt to go running in the morning. Then he showed me my new casa. Holy mama, I am in love. It's bright yellow walls make me smile from ear to ear, the cute little kitchenette is where I'll be making some new meals, and my bed is huge!! The best part is that it had ocean front views. Hecckkkk ya! 

Remember how I said that I believe in omens? I've had a few appear since I've been here that have made my nervousness disappear, but this one caught me by surprise. I was fiddling with my new apartment keys in my hand ( I am always fidgeting, sitting still is not an option), when I looked down at them, I saw  the name "Simon". This made me smile. Simon is a good friend of mine that moved back to New Zealand last year, he taught me about seeking adventure, and I feel that this part of my trip will be th most adventurous part. Now you might be thinking "Girl, you just pickin' things to be excited about, quit it". It's okay, I kinda think that way myself, but when an omen sneaks up on my like this, my heart stops and I can't help but get so, so excited.

It's time to fill my fridge, and empty my backpack, before I know it I will be 60 feet deep in ocean blue.





Back to Reality... Kinda.

07:44 nm 0 Comments

Today is the last day of easy livin' on Saphire Beach. I've spent 9 days sitting in the sun, reading Harry Potter, and living a resort relaxation lifestyle (hellllooo rum punch). Tomorrow Paul leaves to go back to snowy Calgary and I'm on my own. Although I'll miss Paul, I'm excited to start the next mermaid chapter of my adventure.

I was on the hunt for a perfect dive shop, and cheap accomodation. I asked some of the locals where their favorite places to dive were and I kept hearing "Chuck and Robbie's". Meeting Robbie was the most important thing for me, seeing as he would be teaching me. I wanted to be able to trust him. I'm one of those people who know if I like someone within the first 10 minutes of meeting them. I get vibes that tell me if someone is trouble, twisted or genuine. From what my spidie senses tell me, Robbie is real, he's honest, and a hard worker. I think he's going to push me, which is awesome cause I think I could use a kick in the lady bits to get myself more motivated. So I'm pleased to say that I'll be diving at "Chuck and Robbie's" for the next month.

As for accomodation, Robbie was the man (again) and set me up with a place to live. I contemplated a beach fort, seeing as I have hidden talents in the art of fort making, then I thought of all the sand in my bed and quickly changed my mind. Right across from the dive shop I am going to be renting a little yellow apartment. It has beach front views and a king sized bed for star-fishing. It's all coming together perfectly, I'm stoked to make some friends, memories and complete a goal I've been wanting to achive! 



Momma-ME's Prawn Dish

18:38 nm 0 Comments

I'm going to aplogize to my mom in advance before she reads any more of ths-Sorry mom, you know it's true.

My mom wasn't the best cook when I was younger, it was a weekly endeavour with her in the kitchen. She often burned ladles, and bread bags to the element on the stove. This resulted in my hiding in my bedroom, hoping that dinner time never came because whatever was cooking "smelt like burnt celery". Over the years I've seen my mom grow in the kitchen. With her interest in items that are organicly grown and trying new whole food recipes she's become quite inventive. 

Momma-ME's (MaryEllen) Prawn Dish was made famous with my step dad when my parents met. Paul, claiming that he loved hot food was not prepared for moms sneaky attempted to make him sweat, and did it. Every time my mom makes this dish, Paul tells me the story of how he was slugging back beers and trying not to let mom see his misty brow. 

I love making this for people. It's definitely not a waist trimmer, and it tastes a little different every time, but it always reminds me of home. Seeing as I am living ocean side, I thought it was an appropriate to channel my inner Momma-ME and make something close to home for Paul.

Momma-ME's Prawn Dish

1/2lb of cooked peeled jumbo prawns
1 1/2c of wild rice 
1/4lb of unsalted butter (...I told you it won't trim waists)
1/4tsp red chili flakes
1tbsp of your favourite hot sauce (Sriacha anyone??)
1/2tbs of Cajun spice mix
1/2 bottle of beer ( I used the Belize local beer, Belikin baabbbyy)

1. Make yo wild ass rice. I just followed the instructions on the box.

2. With 10 minutes left on the cook time for the rice, put the butter, chili flakes and Cajun spices in a large frying pan and let bubble in the fatty goodness for about 3-5 minutes. Momma-ME says this makes all the spices tango into an inferno, and that's exactly what you want.

3. Add your bubba-gump prawns into the inferno, let simmer for 2 minutes. Add the hot sauce and half your beer, then drink the rest of the beer.

4. If you are feeling sassy, add more spices, the heat is up to you baby! Let the mixture simmer for a minute, then add the rice to the sauce pan. 

Now serve up some hell!



Numbers and Beers

11:53 nm 0 Comments

I've finally arrived, a month of patiently waiting and working hard has payed off! After all the flights, I turned on my phone in the Belize airport, greeting me was the time 1:11. For the people who know me well, they know that seeing triple matching digits is not uncommon for me. It started last summer, and hasn't stopped. At first I freaked out claiming that "numbers were following my unlucky ass" but now I take comfort in them, and view them as a good omen.

With the stamp of approval from my numbers, I knew I was in the right place. Yesterday my step dad met me at the San Pedro airport, there we started our hunt for a perfect spot of a Belikin Beer. It's awesome to see him, and it was awesome to see him have a couple too many tequilas last night too. 

Today is a day to unwind, lay in hammocks and bake in the sunshine. I've started reading "The Alchemist", it's probably the best book to read before starting out on an adventure. I'm laying the the hammock reading Paulo Coelho in complete awe, saying  "Are you for real Paulo?" In my ghetto fabulous voice out loud at the parts that make my heart stop.

I'm staying in the North of San Pedro at my parents newly built apartment.  The front door opens right up to the beach, and I can see the break of the second largest barrier reef.  I can hear the water crash up on to the shore when I am falling asleep, a lot more relaxing then the commuters racing down 49th in Vancouver. 
The sun is shining, and I have a nasty hankering for some rum and coconuts. 




To adventure!

16:41 nm 0 Comments

I have to admit, I've been avoiding starting a blog for a long time now. It has always been something I was interested in, mainly because I always have so much to say and not very many people to tell it too. 
Today seems like the most perfect day to start "Way it Goes" because I am about to take the plunge on an amazing journey. I'll tell you more about that later. 

Originally I planned for "Way it Goes" to have this super methodical title. Once I punched it into the data base- I found out someone was already methodical before me. Naturally, I shrugged my shoulders and said aloud to myself "Fuck it, way it goes". 

This blog is going to be about my life, which I am trying to jam pack full of adventure, love, fashion,  food and cats. "Way it Goes" is also a place for my friends and family to touch base with my travels. Thanks to my gypsy mother, I was born with the travel bug. I have had so many wonderful opportunities to visit places I'd never dreamt of going, and will continue to visit more. 

Today I am setting myself up for adventure, and going to Belize for 6 weeks. I've been there before when I was 17, and always wanted to go back.  I've recently decided I needed a life change. In the last month, I decided it was time to resign from my day job with a company I've been working with for 2 and a half years and take some time to find out who I really am and what I wanted from 2014. What better way to do it on beaches and in the deep blue.  

Visit "Way it Goes" to see what I've been up too, or to read the rambillings of my mind that I decided to share, there will be beautiful photos (many of cats) and stories of adventure, people who touch my heart and silly situations I always seems to get myself into. 

See ya later cold ass Canada!