Places: Home

21:56 nm 0 Comments

I've moved so many times in my life. To the point where I had felt like I didn't have a home. Confused, I asked my Mother where my home is. She said "Home is where ever your family is." 
Here are just a few snaps of my time in Sarnia, Chatham, and London Ontario. And a couple from an quick trip to Detroit.
Shot with my prized possession, the amazing and ancient Olympus XA 2.



Places: Chatham, Ontario

21:22 nm 0 Comments

Welcome to Chatham, where the elderly roll and the thrifted finds are plentiful. My Bumbe (Grandmother) lives here. I spent the day cruising around in her Bumbe mobile, messing with the static radio, and taking photos of heritage homes and local landmarks.
Shot with my prized possession, the amazing and ancient Olympus XA 2.


Places: Vancouver, British Colombia

20:50 nm 0 Comments

Here are some photos from last adventure to Vancouver, BC. I didn't take too many photos because I was busy having fun with my people. Thanks for the fun, people.
Shot with my prized possession, the amazing and ancient Olympus XA 2.